Digital driver's licences available in Victoria in 2024


The state of Victoria in Australia has announced that it will introduce digital driver's licences in 2024. This new technology will allow drivers to store and display their licence on their smartphones, rather than carrying a physical copy with them. The move has been hailed as a significant step towards greater convenience and security for drivers, as well as a reduction in costs for the state government.

What are digital driver's licences? Digital driver's licences are electronic versions of physical driver's licences that can be stored on a smartphone or other digital device. They can be used in the same way as a physical licence, to prove a person's identity and entitlement to drive.

 Benefits of digital driver's licences

Greater convenience

One of the main advantages of digital driver's licences is their convenience. Drivers will no longer need to carry a physical licence with them, which can be lost or damaged. Instead, they will be able to access their licence on their smartphone, which most people carry with them at all times.

Enhanced security

Another benefit of digital driver's licences is enhanced security. Physical licences can be easily forged or altered, but digital licences use encryption and other security measures to prevent fraud.

Cost savings

Digital driver's licences are also expected to result in cost savings for the state government. It is estimated that the cost of producing and distributing physical licences is around $10 per licence, whereas the cost of producing a digital licence is significantly lower.

How will digital driver's licences work?

Digital driver's licences will be available through an app that can be downloaded onto a smartphone or other digital device. To access their licence, drivers will need to verify their identity using biometric authentication, such as facial recognition or fingerprint scanning.

How will digital driver's licences be introduced in Victoria?

The introduction of digital driver's licences in Victoria will be phased in over a period of time, starting in 2023 with a trial of the technology. The trial will involve a small number of participants who will be able to use digital driver's licences in a limited range of scenarios, such as when they are pulled over by police.


Digital driver's licences are set to become a reality in Victoria in 2024, bringing a range of benefits for drivers and the state government. They will offer greater convenience, enhanced security, and cost savings, while also reducing the environmental impact of producing physical licences.


1. Will drivers still be required to carry a physical licence as well as a digital licence?
  • No, drivers will have the option to choose whether to use a physical or digital licence.

2.Will digital licences be accepted in other states or territories in Australia?
  • It is not yet clear whether other states or territories will follow Victoria's lead in introducing digital driver's licences.


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